Last Saturday the weather was bad here--tornadoes, high winds, thunderstorms--so I allowed that factor along with Britt having to work, to stay home from yard sales...Oh yeah, we were kind of broke too (that's bad, huh?). Anyway, Ron and Ava slept until 10:30. Since I'm so accustomed to waking up early, I got up at 7:30.
I had a cup of coffee and went out into the garage for a morning of quiet, peaceful painting (except thunder:). It was incredible! I felt that it was my therapy for the rushy week before!
I rummaged around in my scrap pile to find something that needed painting. How about this?? This hung above my twin bed when I was a child (oh, and Brittany had one too, of course). My master bathroom needs lots of decor-- it always get the leftovers. I made this little sign for it.
I had a cup of coffee and went out into the garage for a morning of quiet, peaceful painting (except thunder:). It was incredible! I felt that it was my therapy for the rushy week before!
I rummaged around in my scrap pile to find something that needed painting. How about this?? This hung above my twin bed when I was a child (oh, and Brittany had one too, of course). My master bathroom needs lots of decor-- it always get the leftovers. I made this little sign for it.

Next, I painted these little tin containers. These were yard sale finds from last year, and they were gold. I painted them white and added a number. I like all the number decor I've been seeing on blogs and Pottery Barn's website. Now I just have to figure out what to do with them:)

Remember this yard sale find from a few weeks ago? I didn't do anything to it except write on it with chalk. For now, it's in my dining room. I like the casual mixed in with some of the formal pieces. I don't want my dining room to be 'stuffy.'

I painted this dresser blue during spring break. My very honest sister said it was too 'fresh' looking, so I brought the paints back out and tried 'antiquing' it more. Did I go too far? I have the tendency to do that....

Lastly, I went through my high school art portfolio. I've always like this because of the colors. I decided to prop it against the wall in the great room for now.

We're having friends over for movie night this Saturday. Ron is even more helpful if we're having company. Yay! I have several things I need him to help me hang on the walls. I'll post picks soon. I'm pretty excited about these things! :) Happy Thursday!!

Your master bath sign is precious! I love it!