Monday, November 9, 2009

Book Reviews

Marriage Book Review:)
I wish that I would have read all of these books when I was engaged! I believe it would have helped me make less "rookie" mistakes! Thankfully, I have a Christian husband, and we're in this for the long haul and work together to make our marriage better every year! Our pastor and his wife always say that God designed marriage to get better and better- I see that! Here are some of my recommendations if you want to improve your marriage or get some new ideas. Sometimes I just need a little boost in the right direction, like a re-focusing of my priorities!!

Marriage on the Rock was a series that our pastor and his wife taught for two years as a Sunday school class. It was great- very focused on Biblical principals and lining oneself up to God's plan.
My pastor's wife recommended this book.
It is a secular book with very straightforward advice for women.

I loved watching Fireproof. This book is based on the movie's plot-
great book with a journaling section.

This is the most recent book I've read. I loved this one! Each sub-section is packed with valuable information, tips, and honesty about the world we now live in.

The fact that this book has sold so many copies speaks for itself.

This book, Love and Respect, has been on the bestseller list for several years now.
I would recommend this one to anyone. It made a change in me!!

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