Tonight was our church's annual ladies' banquet. I decided to volunteer to be a table hostess this year, and my friend Shari joined me. We always have fun together.
I wanted to use as much stuff that I already had as possible. My old sled, a lantern, mason jars, Epsom salt, ribbon, red berries from my backyard, magnolia leaves from a neighbor, candles, burlap, butcher paper, my dishes, and an old book were what I had to work with. For gifts for our guests, Shari made peppermint foot scrub & I found fuzzy socks at Target. My sister was sweet to print me really cute tags for the gifts!
I was excited that I sat between two ladies that I didn't know very well because I wanted to get to know them.
While I was at church, Ron took the girls to Chick-Fil-A for dinner & guess who happened to be there: Santa:).
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
4 hours ago